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bullet nad
9 years ago
I had to hold the cards in my teeth while typing, but i did what i could.
bullet HANZUKI
9 years ago
Yeah! What he said! You gonna do it! (I already did it, so put 'em up there Nado)
bullet elrickxxv
10 years ago
The lyrics to the Annual Jam Folk Song should definitely be on this site. I'm going to start a thread about it, but I need Jay and Dan to step up and populate it!
bullet nickknuth
10 years ago
that is one goddam jam
bullet elrickxxv
10 years ago
I have to agree with Nick, they're tight. I'm especially digging the Goddamn Jam.
bullet nickknuth
10 years ago
hell yeah jams are tight this year
bullet HANZUKI
10 years ago
The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines. Go!
bullet nad
10 years ago
We also need a common Black Keys song.
bullet nad
10 years ago
Songs we have (late night drunk) planned to play this coming Jam: "Stubborn Love" (Lumineers), "Little Talks" (Of Monsters and Men), "It's Summertime" (Flaming Lips). Rock.
bullet elrickxxv
10 years ago
That jam is so awesome...

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